
 Acceuil / International
dot yellow The book on the Cartography of Tunisian Resource Centers

dot yellow Export of services in the field of training and in some European and African countries.

dot yellow Several projects were carried out within the framework of international cooperation with the European Commission, such as:

 Euro-Mediterranean projects "MED-IST" and "JOIN-MED", and now the CNI is a partner in two projects:

MOSAIC project ( is an initiative funded by the European Commission to improve cooperation in and industrial and scientific research between Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs) and the European Union (EU) in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It consists of the establishment of two technology platforms, one in the Maghreb involving Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya and the other in the Mashriq, grouping Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine, similar to European technology platforms, as BDVA (, NESSI (, NEM ( ), etc.

This project aims to promote public-private collaborative and partnership projects that address the needs and priorities of industry in terms of research, development and innovation in the ICT sector, and to promote the emergence of projects in the Maghreb with European partners.

-The MED-DIALOGUE project is a project which places a particular focus on the research and innovation program Horizon 2020 in the field of ICT. It aims to support the dialogue between the EU and Mediterranean partner countries (MPC).

This project aims to raise awareness about the calls for proposals of Horizon 2020 program and train ICT specialists to develop proposals and find partners to increase their participation in the program.

 dot yellow The CNI is also a partner of SAA Italy (Scuola in Amministrazione Aziendale e d’amministrazione pubblica) for e-commerce training on behalf of the Ministry of Commerce and Handicrafts.

More photos in this album ....

Contact Information

  • National Center of Informatics
  •  17, rue Belhassen Ben Chaabane, 1005 El Omrane, Tunis Tunisie.
  • tel : + 216 71 783 055
  • fax: + 216 71 781 862
  • mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • website :
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