Training in CNI:
CNI offers each year a high-level seminar program and assign necessary resources to ensure the quality of training in the field through:
Accurate and detailed programs
Honed pedagogical content and approach
Quality documentation
Powerful hardware environment
Best Tunisian & International specialized instructors
Customized training on demand.
Resources mobilized
We should point out that the CNI has a training and documentation center with twenty certified expert trainers (PMP, networks, security, java, Linux, BD...). It has seven training rooms and a lecture hall (200-seat capacity) all equipped with an Internet connection and high performance information and educational materials as well as a rich library of 1286 titles on innovative themes and ICT news.
Training on national applications hosted the CNI
The CNI provides training courses for users of CNI products and national applications such as the System of Management of State Personnel (INSAF), monitoring of missions abroad, applications of common IT Master Plan of the Administration "SDICA".
Customized / on demand training
In addition, CNI organizes dedicated or on-demand training sessions to strengthen the skills of administrative staff in different themes: IT Repository and Management, KM, Architecture & Network & Security, development tools, e-gov…
This training can take place in intra or inter-organization.
Expert seminars:
In its training program, the CNI organizes seminars on innovative themes or emerging trends such as cloud computing and Big Data, and around the major strategic issues for CIOs: e-GOV, interoperability, continuity plan, network virtualization...
This training is provided by talented international professional expert trainers to share their experience and to clearly present innovative technologies.
Evaluation of training
A quality team constantly reviews the feedback of seminars according to the guidelines of ISO 9001. In
conjunction with the high level expert facilitators, it proposes and implements measures to improve the quality of seminars and the level of satisfaction of participants.
Skills training:
The CNI organizes training sessions for officials of the administration to advance in their careers, improve skills acquired, new responsibilities and improve their administrative positions within their establishments.
The CNI, a nursery for trainees:
The CNI receives and guides regularly and continuously students of different Tunisian academic and professional institutions of computer training (final project study, induction or refresher training), to complement their academic knowledge acquired and develop their abilities in the field of IT for better integration into professional life.
The CNI receives an average of 200 students per year
The library is open to students, officials.
Subscription: Documents required
- A photocopy of the national identity card
- A work certificate
- A stamped envelope with the exact address of official
- An identity photo
- A signed undertaken available at the library
- A photocopy of the national identity card
- A stamped envelope with the exact address of the student
- An identity photo
- A signed undertaken available at the library